Even though I've just released our storyboard it changed a couple of days ago! So Below is the updated version of the storyboard which I made in Flash. The main difference is that instead of the music scens switching to an empty room it switches to the chillout room instead. This means that there aren't any wasted empty scenes and the chillout evenings can be split up into the various activities such as guitar jams, drum lessons and general chillin'!

For next Tuesday I hope to have all of the rooms created and lighted ready for the other people in my group to give me the models to put in the room.
So far the work to be done for next Tuesday is as follows:
Me:Create all four rooms and texture them. Also fully rig and light each of the rooms.
Amy:To make the instruments (guitars, drums and mics) modelled and textured.
Keeley:The speakers, tables and chairs modelled and textured.
Matt:One character fully boned and clothed (textured), if time two characters.
We also picked the songs that we are going to use as backing tracks for each scene. We chose them early so that the sound wasn't left till the last minute. The songs are:
1. Drum and Bass-Pendulum, slam.
2. Chill out evenings-Foo fighters, stranger.
3. Rock nights-Linkin park, numb.
4. Grime time-Dizee rascal, stand up.
So far lighting has been kind to me, even though I have been dabbling into the realm of advanced lighting. I'm fine with modelling and texturing is becoming easier and easier but complex lighting really gets my goat! What I have done so far amazes me so the learning curve I have taken to accomplish this so far is quite amazing.
Usually I'm okay with a few Target spot's and an omni but getting lasers was quite tricky and max was playing me up at first, but effectively all I need to do is create a target spot and put the intensity up high and pick a colour, then adjust the gizmo to make the beam of light really small. After doing this I'm still left with a spot on the floor and no beam of light. To remedy this I add a special effect volume light, and then after fiddling with the settings I have my shaft of light!
The next problem I have to overcome now is timing the flashing lights and the movement to the music. Hopefully I will overcome this problem!
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