In the end I think that this will turn out to have benefited us because it came up in our talks that the easiest way to make an advert with people in it would be to film it in real life. So by actually adding a cartoon feel to the animation will give a slant to the advert that filming cannot achieve so using 3D modelling software will have been justified.
It was fortunate that when we were discussing how to achieve this effect that I had remembered my previous experience with similar effects in 3Ds max. Last summer I was experimenting with materials when I came up with a form of simplifying the colours to make the scene seem like a cartoon. After some research on the internet I then found out that this was called cell shading and I found that a falloff filter on the material adds a black outline to the objects which reinforced my previous findings to create a cartoon effect. I then found a tutorial on the internet that had a more advanced version of mine that made the material react to the light when the light changes, but it isn't really needed for our project as the walls would seem as if they are moving!
Finally Matt reminded us that a humorous, cartoony would appeal more to the Target Market Group that we are aiming for which are teenagers. So an advert like this is more likely to catch their eye and make them want to watch and hear what it has to say as they are more likely to relate to an advert that appears to have been made for them instead of an advert made at them.
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